Allow Me To Introduce MySelf!

a spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence
a person like an angel (as in looks or behavior)
(tHaTs R!GhT, hAt3 oN iT!

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I'm confused. I think I have a crush! Here are my symptoms
  • Smile wheneva he's mentioned in conversation
  • Bring him up casually so he can be mentioned in converstaion
  • Go to bed thinking about him
  • Wake up thinking about him
  • Lay in bed staring out the window listening to old mottown love songs (yea I do that DON'T JUDGE ME!)
Sounds like a crush. But the feelings just started ater me and the aforementioned party particpated in the process of copulation in the sanctuary of his tinted back seat. AND NOW, all I can think about is the sex AHHHHH! So do I have a crush on him, or just a crush on the sex???

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