Dear John(s),
How are you? I bet your not doin as good I am. I mean, I really don't see how.
You had something sooo good, and you let it slip through your dirty little fingers. LOL that must eat away at you! Oh don't deny it...I know it does. You lay awake at night remembering my sweet kisses, my kind gestures. And it drives you crazy! I remember your kisses too. BOY you had some crusty ass lips! And I'm not sayin that to be a spiteful bitch. Your lips were really crusty! But I kissed them anyways... ugh! lol. Oh well, what can I say. I really liked you, I might have even loved you but thats all in the past now. Cause you fucked up. You actually thought that you would fine somethin better. NEWS FLASH I'm the best you ever had!! And judging from your girlfriends after me, I'm probably the best you'll ever get. I mean come on, how could you leave ALL OF DIS for all of that...all that fat! lmao And you were so proud of yourself, playin me with your smug little grin. Thinkin you had the upper hand cause I still was holdin on. But you fucked up kidd. Now it's you holding on, clutching at my coat tails begging me to stay on the phone with you all night. Man your pathetic! and you know what else... your a bitch ass nigga! And thats really unbecomin of you. Shakin my head...
Really tho, what were you thinking. How did you benifit from breakin my heart? I don't kno what it did for you, but I can tell you it made me a stronger person. Now I'm too strong to fall for weak ass bullshit like the kind you dished out. I found me a good man, A REAL GOOD MAN! He loves me, and I know it. I feel it everytime he holds me, and kisses me, and looks into my eyes. You know the had that once too. Sigh!
Anywayz I thought I'd just see how you were doin these days. Me, I'm just fine!
Never yours,
Anjel Baby ♥
PS heres a pic of my new man!

I know what your thinkin... Damn they look good together.
My thoughts exactly
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