1. I don't believe in "Best Friends" anytime you give someone that title, they act like they don't kno how to act and they go and mess things up. lol
2. I use to want to be a boy sooo bad!! I use to dress like a boy and everything
3. When I was little I use to Pray for God to turn me into a Mermaid! I wanted to be "Part of that world" soo bad!!
4. When I was younger I was the poster child for talkin to strangers! It use to get me into so much trouble!!
5. The one and only time I've ever been to the hospital was when I had a tick on me *If you really know me, then you know where it was*
6. *This may be too much information but...* I refer to my female parts as a Da-Di-Da
lmao I can't believe I shared that
7. I use to dislike my name but now I love it!!
8. I ran away once when I was 6. When I got home I got the butt whippin of my life
9. All my friends think that I'm a huge "Freak" but I only say things for shock value. *It's the quiets ones who are usually the freaks*
10. My first ever crush was Bill Cosby. I thought that I was gonna marry that man! For Real!!
11. The first time I ever drunk was New Years with my dad. B2K had just broken up and I was a lil distressed, so he bought me some wine coolers. What are dads for?
12. I always wanted to have a "Super Gay" male friend, but everytime I meet one, they kind of annoy me. I know it sounds mean but...
13. I wanted to go to school far away, so I pretend that I'm in Virginia. When my mom ask me why I don't call, I tell her because of the long distance charges.
14. I love old music. My playlist consists of songs mostly from the 50's 60's 70's 80's and 90's. I don't listen to a lot of current music.
15. I like sniffing my top lip. It makes me think of Whoppers from Burger King (Don't ask me why)
16. 16 Is my favorite number. The year I turned 16 was my best year yet! And my birthday is on the 16 of March
17. I always say that my birthday is holy. March 16th. 3/16. Like John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life"
18. Everytime I see the number "Triple 6" I cringe. My cousin once told me it was the Devil's phone number and I've been afraid of it ever since.
19. Thanks to Doug I can't stop playin with my bellybutton. I whip my belly button out when ever I can and start playin with it, I just don't CARE!
20. I love playin with a persons "wenis" (the saggy skin on the elbow) and I love havin my wenis played with too!
21. I always cut my food up into tiny pieces before I eat it. I think it's a habit I obtained from my always watchin my nephews
22. I am sooo boy crazy! Everytime I'm around a boy, I always daydream about kissing them... lol
23. I have a sippy cup that I drink out of. It's super ka-yute. It's green but when it gets cold it turns orange.
24. When I was young I use to be really close to God. I miss that feeling
25. I talk to myself more than any NORMAL person should. Sometimes I forget where I am and I do it in public, so I have to pretend like I was singing.
**26** Most people know these things about me already cause I'm really open!
So yea thats me in a nut shell!!
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