Of course like most of the world I was devastated when I heard the news. I grew up on Micheal Jackson, and so did my parents. I guess I pretty much figured that he would always be around. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. After his death I was really devastated that the media wanted to focus on the controversy surrounding him, saying that it may have overshadowed his talent. The nerve of these people. Micheal Jackson was an icon. Icon doesn't even begin to describe who he is. He influenced so many lives. To top it off, he was undoubtedly the most famous man on earth. He broke down color lines, he bridged age gaps, guys wanted to be cool like him and girls wanted to be like the female leads in his videos that were pursued by such a daring, and sexy Romeo.
When Micheal Jackson was dominating the world, everyone wanted to be on his side. But when his fame started to falter, people turned their backs on him. When he faced horrendous adversities his fans that he dedicated his whole life to turned their back on them. I love Jaime Foxx and all but there was a time when he was on 106 and Park and the hosts (I don't remember who they were at the time) asked him who he liked better out of Micheal Jackson and Prince. He said Prince because he wasn't to happy with Michael at the time. Now I have nothing against the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as Prince, but when it comes to MJ there is no comparison. Jaime Foxx turned his back on the man that opened so many doors and was the reason he had a career. Yet he wants to moon walk all over the BET stage and dedicate it to Micheal. SAD
People didn't understand Micheal Jackson. He was a man full of love. That's what he promoted and thats what he lived. He dedicated his whole life to children and I can totally understand why. Children are innocent, forgiving, and for the most part nonjudgmental. Micheal connected with kids most because that's who he was at heart. a kid. He didn't have a childhood like regular folk. He was pimped out by his father since he was 10years old. People want to sit there and say that he was a disgusting pedophile, but they are the ones with the dirty minds. Micheal was right, the most loving thing you can do is to share your bed with someone. But in a world full of hate no one could possibly understand this man of pure love. It seems downright ridiculous that a man who dedicates his life to children, and spends millions of dollars donating to charity to the point that he goes broke, could be crucified like he was. It's sad.
I could really go on all day about this man but really, I'm tired of hearing about it. Its makes me so so sad that it took this mans death for people to really appreciate who he was.
I just hope that where every he is right now, he's happy, and he knows that he is loved. RIP MJ. Gone but NEVER EVER FORGOTTEN!