Step Yo Pussy Up!!!
So Nicky Minaj's message to the masses is about steppin yo pussy up, which by her definition means to keep the pussy "exclusive". Now I don't know about ya'll but a lot of girls in my school need to follow that motto. Which brings me to my point.... Ladies, all ladies, you are BEAUTIFUL. Why do you want to use you're body parts to advance you in the world. Once a man gets that pussy, ur gonna be old news and fair game for everyone else because believe it or not boys do run they mouth. and they usually don't lie. Especially when its NOT about them.
My second point is, Ladies, don't call other ladies Hoes and Whores and Sluts. Cause it's not good to be judgemental. Remember when you point the finger at someone, 3 are pointing back at you.
And lastly not only keep ur own pussy exclusive but dont go spreadin ur pussy around in a man's face when he...ALREADY HAS A GIRL! I'm currently dealin with this burden now. Not with one of my friends of course cause I have the bEst Friends EVA!! but I know this chick( who I tried to warn before) who's man is being FUCKED by her new BEST FRIEND! Shady Shady Shady tisk tisk tisk... I can't believe some females. First off thats just wrong to go dippin yo straw in sumbody elses drink, (cause I'm a firm believer in sisterhood) but to do it to someone who is sittin at your own picnic table, thats just fucked up!! Okay I'm done with the metaphors lol Step Yo Pussy Up!!
My second point is, Ladies, don't call other ladies Hoes and Whores and Sluts. Cause it's not good to be judgemental. Remember when you point the finger at someone, 3 are pointing back at you.
And lastly not only keep ur own pussy exclusive but dont go spreadin ur pussy around in a man's face when he...ALREADY HAS A GIRL! I'm currently dealin with this burden now. Not with one of my friends of course cause I have the bEst Friends EVA!! but I know this chick( who I tried to warn before) who's man is being FUCKED by her new BEST FRIEND! Shady Shady Shady tisk tisk tisk... I can't believe some females. First off thats just wrong to go dippin yo straw in sumbody elses drink, (cause I'm a firm believer in sisterhood) but to do it to someone who is sittin at your own picnic table, thats just fucked up!! Okay I'm done with the metaphors lol Step Yo Pussy Up!!
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